This group is currently inactive, but can become active with the interest of 5 or more students from any of our campuses.


Drafting and Design is an Art!

3D stands for Developing Drafters & Designers. This group’s purpose is to bring awareness and appreciation to the artistry and profession of drafting and related fields.

Brain Bowl Team

Brain Bowl is a game of general knowledge and quick recall. It often is called "the varsity sport of the mind" and is compared to the game show "Jeopardy." Students compete as a team against other Florida state colleges.


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The Data and Technology Association is a club for students who are interested in computer programming and networking.

Disney Leadership Alliance

Let the Magic Begin!

The Disney Leadership Alliance focuses on leadership, learning through the experiences of Disney employees, the love of Disney and building relationships.

Earth Awareness

Earth Awareness provides a medium for cooperation and communication among area human service/mental health professionals, faculty and students. 

Flight! Club

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The purpose of the Flight Club to learn, progress skills and further reinforce careers and aviation programs taught at PHSC. Teams or individuals will work on creating projects and work together advance aviation at the college.

Forensics Team

The Forensics Team competes in areas of speech such as public speaking, reading, interpretation and debate. Students compete against other Florida state colleges.

This organization is currently inactive, but is seeking new members.

Pasco Hernando American Sign Language Association (PASLA)

PASLA seeks to bridge the gap between the deaf, hard of hearing and hearing communities through education and information so as to support the deaf and hard of hearing community and form an alliance.

Radiography Club

The Radiography Club operates with the Lambda Nu Radiography Honor Society to foster and recognize academic scholarship within the field of radiologic science. Members travel to conferences and sponsor a variety of activities on campus.


SkillsUSA Florida Region 4

SkillsUSA has a mission to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.

Student Juggling Society

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The purpose of the Student Juggling Society is to provide meetings at regular intervals for jugglers as well as those interested in other circus disciplines consisting of but not limited to: magic, balloon art, body art, and equilibristics.


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Seeks to foster productive interactions among students and across diverse majors, to promote cooperation between diverse cultures on the campus and in the community.

Tea Club (TEA)

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The purpose of Tea Club is as follows: